How to Start a Successful Blog in 2021
In this post, you’ll learn how to start a successful blog in just 5 simple steps. You’ll become a blogger today by following the same simple steps we used to start a new blog, this blog can reach hundreds of thousands of people each and every day.
How to Become a Blogger in 5 Simple Steps
- First you must choose your blog name and get your blog hosting.
- Then to start your blog you need to install WordPress blog.
- After that you’ll Pick a simple fast theme to your blog.
- Add blogging plugins to help you find your readers and track your stats.
- Try to write compelling content in your blog that your readers love. there are other blogging platforms such as and, almost every serious blogger uses a self-hosted WordPress website because of its creative freedom and flexibility. Wemakecashonline uses WordPress because it allows us to better control the look and feel of the blog-more creative control than any other platform.
Choose your blog name and get your blog hosting
WordPress itself is free! When we started our blog, the first thing we did was to go to Bluehost and register our domain name. Hosting was free. We’ll explain hosting later, but let’s talk about your domain name first.
Choose your domain name
Your Domain name is an important part of your blog because it will make your first impression, it is the name of your blog. Also called your URL, your domain is also your address on the web. For example, our domain name is
To start a successful blog just go to the link on the description. And on this page you’re gonna type the name you wanna use for your blog, with no spaces, and click on Find.
After a few seconds, you’ll get all the available extensions for that name like .com, .net, or .org. If you scroll further down, we also have some tips here for choosing the right domain name, in case you’re not sure. and I prefer to wait because we can register a new Domain Name for FREE with Hosting, so let us jump directly to choosing our hosting.
Set up blog hosting
And after you find an available name, we can move on to Step number 2 where we’re gonna get web hosting. And web hosting is where you store all your pages, blog posts, and images.
Click Here to get Discounted Blog Hosting
So click on “Get it FREE” to claim your free domain name, and you’ll come to BlueHost, which is our #1 recommendation for web hosting.
If you decide to sign up with them by clicking on this button, or the link below, you’ll also get access to our FREE bonus live chat tech support, where we can help you with any questions you have about your blog. So if you’re interested in that, check out the instructions in the video description.
And when you sign up for BlueHost you’ll get all these benefits:
- A FREE domain name. So that name you chose on step 1 is not free in other places, but here you get it for FREE.
- A FREE business email associated with your domain name like
- Also, you’ll get a FREE SSL Security certificate, which adds a padlock icon next to your address, preventing your visitors from getting any security warnings on their browsers. This is needed to rank your blog in Google, among other things. And many hosting companies charge $65 per year for this but you get it for FREE here.
- Other benefits include lightning-fast page loading speed and automatic WordPress installation. WordPress is the platform we’ll be using to create your blog because it allows you to build your pages without the need for any programming or coding knowledge.
And to sign up just click on this button to continue. Then choose a plan here. If you only wanna host a single blog or website you can go with the first plan. But if you wanna host unlimited websites, you gotta choose the second plan.
So if you plan on having multiple blogs down the road, you can either start with the second plan right now. Or you can choose the first one and later upgrade at any time. Next, you’ll come to the screen where you choose your free domain name.
Enter that name you found on step 1 right here. And finally, you’ll come to this page where you just gotta enter your personal info. Down here choose your package. The more months you choose, the cheaper it’ll be per month.
So choose the most convenient plan for you. These package extras are optional. You can go ahead and uncheck them, or if you wanna learn more about each one, just click on the “more information” button. And then at the bottom just enter your payment information. Agree to the terms and conditions. And you’re done.
You’ll be asked to set up your password on the next screen. And you’ll be all set. Alright? And after you do this, we’ll be ready to move on to Step number 3, where we’re gonna start creating your actual blog.
Installing your blog
Your blog should now be live and if you go to the address you chose on step 1, you’ll see a generic page that comes preloaded by default.
To edit all this and replace it with a cool design, you can either go to your BlueHost account and click on the login to WordPress button. Or you can add a slash wp-admin to your address… where you can enter your username and password.
Step 3
Pick a simple & fast theme to your blog
Alright? So this is your WordPress dashboard, where you can control everything in your blog. And to easily add a professional design to your WordPress, you can simply copy one of ours. We’re giving away our agency’s templates completely for FREE and you can download them by clicking on the link below.
Download FREE Theme>>>
Import one of our templates into your account, the instructions are also there. And let’s now move on to step number 4, which is modifying all your pages after importing them.
Modify your blog pages
So your blog is divided into two sections, your posts which are the articles you write for your blog. And your pages, which are important pages like the home page, about us, or contact us.
So if we go to Posts > Add New. We can add a new blog entry. Right here you can add your post title. Down below you add the post content. You can assign a new category to your post here so that they’re nicely organized and grouped together on your blog.
There are some default ones that we added for this template, but you can delete them by going to Posts > Categories. And then select them all and delete them.
Going back here, we got the Featured Image, which is the main image of this post. You can simply click here and upload one from your computer. And the post Excerpt is a short summary of what this post is about. When you’re done, click on Update.
Your new post will now show up here in the main banner. As well as hereunder latest news. This right here is the post excerpt I just mentioned. And under any other category, you selected. So to edit the look of any of your pages, like the homepage, we just click here on “Edit With Elementor”.
Step 4
Adding some helpful plugins is very important if you want to start a successful blog.
Elementor is a free WordPress plugin and helpful plugins to start a successful blog, which lets you design all your pages with a drag and drop editor. This particular template has a slideshow banner displaying your posts. As you can see it has things like the post title, categories, date, and the featured image as the background. If we click on it. And go down to query.
We can select which categories we wanna display here, which in this case, it’s displaying the featured category. And then down here if you wanna edit something like this title, you just click on it. And replace this text with your own on this sidebar.
You can then click on the style tab. And change things like the color, The font family, The size, And in the advanced tab, you can edit the background color of this element. There’s a sidebar here with a top games section, and each one is linked to its own blog post, but you can change this to whatever you want, or just delete it if you don’t wanna use this section.
These posts here are being added automatically. If we take a look at your WordPress dashboard and go to Posts. We have all these default posts which are the ones being displayed on the blog. And by the way, to delete them you just select them and click here on move to trash.
Download Elemento Plugin
But going back to Elementor, we can edit the look of these posts if we click on them. You can change them to be in 1 column, Or 3. And again, in the style tab, you can modify the colors, size, and anything related to the look of this element. Once you’re done, click on Update to save the changes.
Now, this Elementor plugin we’re using to edit our content has a free and a paid version. The paid version is very cheap and gives you absolutely everything you need to create an epic blog, like this element that automatically adds your blog posts to your homepage. Sliders, Contact forms, Exit popups like this one we have here, Or this search popup. And a ton more things like parallax animations.
While if you have the free version, you’re also gonna need to install a bunch of other plugins and learn how to do some extra things. So I highly recommend you get the Pro version. And if you do so with the link is down below, as a FREE bonus we’ll give you access to our step-by-step course which covers every single aspect of how to use Elementor.
Download ELEMENTOR PRO here
Some of our templates like this one were built with the Pro version, while others were built with the free version so that you can choose the method you prefer to use.
If you choose to use the Elementor Free version and import a template like this one. There will be a separate blog page. Where your posts will be displayed like this. And you can customize how they look through your WordPress theme, by clicking up here on customize. Go to the blog.
And then blog/archive is for the main blog page where all your posts are featured. And Single post is for the individual posts page when you click on each one and read the full article. Now, with this method, you don’t have as much freedom to customize everything as you do with the Elementor Pro method.
If you’re using Elementor Pro and wanna customize the look of your posts, you simply go to Templates > Theme builder on your WordPress dashboard.
Click on the Single Post tab.
And edit this template with Elementor.
This will be the global design for all your blog posts.
Most of the info is being loaded dynamically from each of your blog posts, so if we click here on this title. Right here it shows that this element will display each post title. Which is whatever we enter here.
Same with the post categories up here. Or the post excerpt. You can drag and drop the elements wherever you want like this. You can change the width of your columns. Edit anything on the page like these social sharing icons. Which are some of the elements that are exclusive to the Pro version.
Otherwise, with the free version, you would have to look for another plugin that allows you to add these types of icons. This right here is the content for each post, and you can change things like the alignment, text color, or typography. Again this content is being pulled from each blog post. So whatever you added here.
You can change the background of each section by right-clicking, edit the section. Then go to the style tab. And in the background section select a different color. Or even an image, a gradient, a video, or a slideshow. We got your latest posts section here so that people can keep navigating through your blog.
As well as a previous and next post element down here. If you wanna edit something like the header or footer, you just click on the Edit element. And you can add any element from this menu, like these social icons. And link them to your Instagram, Twitter, etc. You can delete elements you don’t need. And again, all this can be easily done with the Pro version of Elementor.
Using Elementor Pro
If you don’t use the Pro version, you would have to customize the WordPress theme options. You do that by going to Appearance > Customize on the WordPress dashboard. And click on the pencil icon next to each element like your logo. Your menu.Or these footer elements down here.
If you wanna add pages, posts, or categories to your navigation menu. You just come here, whether you’re using the Elementor free or Pro version, and go to Menus. Choose your menu. Click on Add Items. There are sections for Pages, posts, or blog categories. So we could add some categories here. And then drag them under the blog option, and then drag them to the right. And it will create a sub-menu like this.
So again if you have the Free version of Elementor, you have to edit many things here through the theme customizer, and by downloading extra plugins. And if you have the Elementor Pro version, you can edit everything directly on your pages. If you wanna edit the popups or create new ones, just go to Templates > popups. And edit them with Elementor as I’ve shown you. Or for things like the category pages or the author page with your bio, go to Theme Builder.
Most of these you’ll find under the Archive tab. You can create a different template for each category like we did here. Or just have a single template for all categories. We got the author template here. Which if we edit it with Elementor.We’ll see an archive containing all the posts created by each author, in case you have multiple users adding content to your blog. And then here we got the author section. This info like the profile photo, name, and bio can be edited on your WordPress dashboard.
By going up here on the top right to Edit profile. And here you can change your name, bio, And your profile photo by clicking here. And then update the profile.
Alright? So this is pretty much all you need, in order to create your own professional blog. Remember, all the links you need are in the video description. For step 1, choose your domain name with our domain name finder tool. In step 2, sign up for BlueHost and get our help through live chat. In step 3, import our FREE templates into your WordPress account. And on step 4, add your own content to these templates with Elementor, which if you choose to get the Pro version, you will also get our free step-by-step course.
Take a look at these other recommended posts you should watch, which will help you to start a successful blog, and I’ll see you there!
Step 5
Write compelling content in your blog that your readers love
Congratulations! You started blogging, now it’s time to start blogging. This is where the fun begins. Now that you have your own blog, you can turn it into yours; you can turn your vision into reality.
content. Start writing and publishing content for your basic page: create an about page, contact page, start page from here, and any other pages you want in the title of your new blog.
Photo. Add your own photos (pro tip: you can start with a well-lit selfie, but when you have the opportunity, take some professional photos; they are well worth it because people’s identification with others is more dignified than they do.
Logo. Use programs such as InDesign, Photoshop, or a text editor to create a basic logo (note: even if we don’t have design skills, we can download some free vector graphics and choose fonts to create our simple logo using Apple’s Pages application, which is best for us Aesthetic). Or you can hire someone like 99designs or SPYR to design a professional logo.
picture. Use high-quality stock photos and images to add interest to your blog posts: Paul Jarvis (free), Unsplash (free), Library of Congress (free), iStock (fee), Shutterstock (fee).
Comment. Determine if you wish to post comments on your blog; they are often a useful way to receive feedback and directly interact with readers.
Social. Build a social media profile on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram (or all three).
Publish. Start writing a new blog post. Publish at least once a week, especially when creating a blog for the first time, so you can build an audience.
Simply, these were the most important steps to start a successful blog, We hope you can express yourself on your new blog. We are sure that in the next few months, this will be a huge growth experience for you. You are now officially a blogger. No matter where you are going, make sure you enjoy the journey ahead.
Bounce: How To Create A Sales Funnel for Your Successful WordPress Blog in 2021 without ClickFunnels
Sales funnels in one of the important factors if you want to start a successful blog in 2021, In this video, we’ll take a look at how to create a sales funnel using WordPress, step by step.
Watch This Video Which Revealing How To Create A Sales Funnel With WordPress in 2021 without ClickFunnels
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